All-Weather Electronic Ignition System – Battery Power BPAWEIS
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Over the past 10 years we have developed an Electronic Ignition System far surpassing anything on the market today. How did we do this? We developed a system from the ground up – keeping in mind the effects of wind and rain at all times during the development process. Listed are the highlights of our new system:
All-Weather Electronic Ignition System – Battery Power BPAWEIS
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All-Weather Electronic Ignition System – High Capacity AWEIS HC
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All-Weather Electronic Ignition System – Standard Capacity AWEIS SC
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Submersible Electronic Ignition System – SUBEIS Fire ON Water System
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Vulcan Fire Module – VFM
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Burner Pan Options
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Flame / Heat Sense: Thermopile
Ignition Type: Hot Surface Ignition (Glow Plug)
Ignition Sequence: Intermittent Pilot
Ignition Source: Pilot
Max. Btu Output: 512K Btu/hr
Inlet / Outlet Size: 3/4″ FPT
Operating Voltage: 24 volts ac
Inlet Gas Press. Limit: 2.0 psi
Valve Enclosure Dim: 4 ½” x 4 ½” x 5″(tall)
The AWEIS HC is a slightly larger version of the AWEIS SC in terms of physical dimension but delivers considerably more gas than its smaller counterpart.
With a maximum gas output of 512K Btu/hr – which is a very large amount of gas – it can be used in the larger fire features that require a considerable amount of gas to create the desired effect.
Flame / Heat Sense: Thermopile
Ignition Type: Hot Surface Ignition (Glow Plug)
Ignition Sequence: Intermittent Pilot
Ignition Source: Pilot
Max. Btu Output: 290K Btu/hr
Inlet / Outlet Size: ½” FPT
Operating Voltage: 24 volts ac
Inlet Gas Press. Limit: 2.0 psi
Valve Enclosure Dim: 4 3/8″ x 4 3/8″ x 4 3/8″ (tall)
The AWEIS SC is the smallest Electronic Ignition System for use in Fire Bowls and Fire Pits on the market today. Its small size, especially in height makes it the perfect match for those features that do not have much room in the vertical.
With a maximum gas output of 290K Btu/hr – which is quite a large amount of gas – it can be used in most fire feature applications. For those features requiring even more gas we have the AWEIS High Capacity System.
Flame / Heat Sense: Thermopile
Ignition Type: Hot Surface Ignition (Glow Plug)
Ignition Sequence: Intermittent Pilot
Ignition Source: Pilot
Max. Btu Output: 25K Btu/hr
Inlet / Outlet Size: ½” FPT
Operating Voltage: 24 volts ac
Inlet Gas Press. Limit: 2.0 psi
Valve Enclosure Dim: 2 1/2″ x 6 1/2″
The Vulcan Fire Module is the smallest Electronic Ignition System on the market today. Its small size makes it perfect for those ‘very’ small fire features such as small bowls, rock crevices or other cylinder shaped fire features. The flame pattern the Vulcan emits is identical to our Tiki Torches as shown in the photo at right.